Saint Theresa Altar Servers’ Summer Camp Highlights

Posted July 5, 2015

Prayer. Fraternity. Service.IMG_4547

Quo Vadis Days of Arlington, a camp run by the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Arlington, provides High School age men the opportunity to pray together and build fraternity – all with the goal of vocational discernment.  A parent asked me – why don’t we have something for the younger men here at the parish?  A good question.

The altar servers at Saint Theresa work together to build an environment of prayer, fraternity, and service at the altar of the Lord. In order to facilitate this and foster vocational discernment opportunities at a younger age, we embarked on a series of adventures this summer.

Mount Saint Mary's
Mount Saint Mary’s

On the first day, we went to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in Emmitsburg, Maryland followed by a visit to the seminary. The men learned about Saint Bernadette who was called from the most humble beginnings to bear the message of the Virgin Mary, “I am the Immaculate Conception.” After departing the Grotto, the servers feasted at a local BBQ joint in Emmitsburg – while some of the guys urged me to take the Chubby’s Challenge and consume two “avalanche burgers,” what looked roughly to have the content of an entire side of beef, I declined. We finished our first day in the footsteps of Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton, the patroness of sea services – learning of her service to Christ and the poor.

The second day challenged everybody in the group – except one of the men, who bounded up Signal Knob

Signal Knob
Signal Knob

almost too easily. On a six-mile hike, we had the opportunity to celebrate Mass on the trail. Another mile down, we stopped and the men dined on MREs – Meals-Ready-to-Eat. The same ones our troops consume. Many of the guys agreed that perhaps life aboard a ship would provide more palatable lunch than the food in the field. We summited Signal Knob, then made our way back to the parking area…exhausted.

Day three. We celebrated Mass together in Saint Andrew’s Chapel at the US Naval Academy. Following Mass, alum and tour guide, CAPT Chip Seymour gave the men a tour of the campus – learning about the nature of self-sacrifice. Chip told the men of the sacrifices of heroes such as Father Jake Francis Laboon, SJ and Colonel Ripley. Of course, a visit to Annapolis would not be complete with going to Saint Mary’s – a Redemptoris Church in downtown.


A thought provoking week for the men – walking in the shadows of the saints; learning about the nature of sacrifice at the heels of American heroes.

Whether a first-time server or years of service at another parish, 4th grade or a high school senior, you’re welcome to join the altar server program here at Saint Theresa Catholic Church.  Please, go to our Altar Server page and watch the video, including words from Bishop Loverde about service at the altar.

In Christ,

Fr. Jim Hinkle

Mass at Signal Knob
Mass at Signal Knob

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