Please use the contact form for inquiries to the Parish Office:
How to Register?
Often, in the sacramental life of the Church, Catholic faithful will need to prove residency in a parish. Registration with the parish office allows us to track your sacramental data and keep you connected with the life of the church. In order to register, come to the parish office Monday – Friday 9:30AM – 3:30PM to fill out a registration card. Yellow registration cards can also be obtained at all of the Church entrances – these can be mailed to the parish or given to an usher during a church liturgy.
Parish Office
Phone: 703-729-2287
Fax: 703-729-9036
Religious Education Office
Phone: 703-729-3714
Fax: 703-729-9036
Divine Mercy Outreach
Phone: 703-729-2334.
St. Theresa Catholic School
Phone: 703-729-3577
Fax: 703-729-8068