About Divine Mercy Outreach

Emergency rent or utility assistance needed?

 Please call 703-729-2334 or email: dmoutreach@sainttheresaparish.com

Please note that you will be required to submit supporting documents  and you must be a Loudoun County resident.

No walk ins.  We are unable to provide same day assistance.

Appointments only for those who want to meet in person.

Giving Help and Hope to Others

Please consider making a donation to Divine Mercy Outreach as there are many families struggling to pay rent and utility bills due to medical issues, disabilities, job loss, as well as families/individuals needing a bed through our Bed Ministry and Veterans in need. Every little bit helps, even $1. Look above and click on the DONATE button or mail your donation to the parish office to the attention of Divine Mercy Outreach. (Check made payable to St. Theresa Parish, put DMO in the memo) Also click the “How you can help” tab above as well to learn more ways you can help.

Click below to learn more about how we helped the community last year.

Assistance given 2024 DMO Flyer-1



The mission of Divine Mercy Outreach is to demonstrate the mercy of Christ by our support of those in need throughout the local community.

Divine Mercy Outreach Ministry attends to the needs of parishioners and persons of Loudoun County seeking assistance.  It has been assisting the needy of Loudoun County through parish efforts and providing assistance to other charitable organizations since 2005.

Divine Mercy Outreach helps individuals and families in poverty or crisis, who are facing emergencies such as evictions or utilities about to be disconnected. We also assist those who are transitioning from shelters by providing new beds, kitchen table and chairs and other household items. Periodically, we offer budgeting classes and continually encourage individuals to become self sufficient.

We also assist local organizations who help the homeless or those in poverty and others in our community facing extraordinary difficulties in their life by extending Christ’s love, mercy and compassion.


Email:  dmoutreach@sainttheresaparish.com

Office: 703-729-2334

Marianne Guidos, Director Divine Mercy Outreach

Join our email list to get up to date needs and how you can help.

Visit our Ministry Pages for More Information!



  • New twin, full and queen size mattresses and box springs
  • New Cribs
  • Comforters, bed sheets, blankets, mattress pads and pillows(new)
  • Food and toiletries for emergency assistance
  • Emergency assistance with rent and utilities
  • Emergency gift card assistance
  • Meals for families of parishioners in need of temporary support
  • Assistance with Backpack Buddies in local schools
  • Assistance to Catholic Charities food pantry
  • Visits to parishioners who are homebound

Please Note:  Availability of the items listed above is dependent on the generous donations of our parishioners and the needs of persons approaching the office.  Please contact the Divine Mercy Outreach Office so we can assist in determining your needs.   Needs are met based on availability of resources and at the discretion of the Divine Mercy Office.



Volunteer! We need your to help reach out to others with Christ’s love. Volunteers needed to take items to families, assist with ministries within Divine Mercy Outreach (See side tabs) and also assist with fundraisers. We would also like to get to know you and have you contribute your time and talents to assist those in need.  Contact Marianne Guidos at 703-729-2334 or dmoutreach@sainttheresaparish.com to learn more or to be placed on our outreach email.

Want to Donate? Our ongoing Donation Needs

  • Linens: Bed sheets, comforters, mattress pads and blankets (twin/full/queen) (new)and bed pillows (new only)
  • Furniture: kitchen table and chairs (No broken items, or stained/torn cloth seats.) See furniture tab for more details.
  •  Food donations for needy families (Cereal, cooking oil, rice, beans, pasta & spaghetti sauce, sloppy joe or chili packets, canned tuna & chicken, peanut butter and jelly, pancake/Bisquick mix, granola/protein bars, juice, fruit cups, canned vegetables and tomatoes, hearty soups, taco kits, mac and cheese) Also see the Daily Bread tab or items needed.
  • Gift cards for Wal-Mart, Target and local grocery stores as well as gas gift cards. Gift cards in small value for local sandwich/coffee shops helpful for those who are homeless seeking food and warmth.
  • Baby items: Diapers, wipes, soap & shampoo
  • Toiletry items: Towels, wash clothes, tissues, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, hand & body soap, toothpaste & toothbrushes, bandaids & disposable shavers, women’s hygiene products
  • Cleaning products: Bathroom cleaners, dish soap, dishwasher soap, laundry soap, window cleaner…
  • Monetary donations accepted to help families in crisis; those about to be evicted, utilities about to be disconnected, or to assist us in purchasing beds and cribs and for food items. Click on DONATE button above. Consider donating in memory or in honor of a loved one. We will send a card acknowledging your gift.

Donations  can be dropped off at the parish office or  in the Outreach lock boxes.  Gift cards or monetary donations (made payable to St. Theresa Church, put Divine Mercy Outreach in the memo) can be dropped off or mailed to the parish office (21370 Saint Theresa Lane, Ashburn, VA 20147) or place in the Outreach lock boxes at church or click on the DONATE button above to make an online donation.

We are blessed to have the talents and time of these wonderful volunteers!

Loan Jella,                      Admin. Assistant
(Christina Harrington, Marianne Guidos, and Christine Wilson)

Our History

In 2005, Christina Harrington, Christine Wilson and Marianne Guidos, parishioners of St. Theresa Parish, felt called by God to start a ministry to assist others. This ministry has grown substantially in the past fourteen years, and contributes to the efforts to provide help for the less fortunate in Loudoun County. Through the generous donation of our parishioners, and volunteers who so willingly share their time, talents and skills, Divine Mercy Outreach was able to assist with over $186,050. in 2022. (This does not include the numerous donations of food, coats, clothing, and bedding that have been donated to Divine Mercy Outreach throughout the past year by our generous supporters.)