Daily Bread Ministries – Backpack Buddies

 Backpack Buddies  

The Backpack Buddy program is a part of the St. Theresa’s Daily Bread Ministry (DBM). Each week when school is in session, the Backpack Buddy program prepares weekend bags of food, which are distributed into backpacks, for 70 Ashburn children.

We provide Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, snacks and drinks for the students, covering Saturdays & Sundays, September through June.
The Backpack Buddy food bags are donated to Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School, Hillside Elementary School, Eagle Ridge Middle School, Rock Ridge HS, and Head Start Preschool at Rock Ridge students. All of the schools are located in Ashburn.



If you have any Questions or Concerns please contact: Beth Renzette at 703-507-8575 or bd@renzette.org



Help us feed the Hungry!


The Backpack Buddy Program Process

Parishioners donate listed food items into our Daily Bread Ministry (DBM) Donation Box.
DBM Donation Box- can be found inside the side entrance of St. Theresa Church of the new parking lot, aka Mary’s Entrance. We are referring to its location near Mary’s statue inside the church.

**We need only 1 person or family/ group per week to complete both Prep and Delivery of Backpack Buddy Program. This is different from the Day Worker Service, where we use more people.


How-To Prepare

For information about volunteering to support any of the four schools we serve (Rock Ridge HS, Rosa Lee Carter ES, Eagle Ridge MS, Hillside ES), please contact Beth Renzette at bd@renzette.org.  Following are instructions for preparing, assembling, and delivering food to Rosa Lee Carter ES:

How-To Prepare Backpack Buddy Bags for Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School

On Tuesday or Wednesday, gather the necessary food supplies from the DBM pantry closet.

Take home the necessary food items and set up an assembly line. Large plastic bins labeled Backpack Buddies are provided to transport the supplies.

You need 44 disposable grocery store bags.
Double the plastic bags for 22 total Backpack bags of food.
Then go down your assembly line 22 times.

Place 2 breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, juice boxes and desserts into each doubled plastic bag.  Place 1 milk box and at least three snacks into each bag.

Loosely tie the bags closed. *If you have extra food at the end of your assembly line, please drop the few extra items in different bags.

How-To Deliver to Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School

DELIVER: on either Wednesday or Thursday between 10am- noon to Rosa Lee Carter ES, 43330 Loudoun Reserve Drive, Ashburn Va. 20148.

Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School is inside the Loudoun Valley Estates community off of Loudoun County Parkway.

Park alongside the front walk in front of Rosa Lee ES and bring your Driver’s License up to the secure entrance on the left side of the doors. Press the button, show your Driver’s License and announce you are from St. Theresa Church with Backpack Buddy food bags.

Mrs. Simran Kaur is the name of the school liaison; you do not need to ask for her; any one of the secretaries can give you a cart so that you can unload the bags. Please bring the bags into the school office. Once the food is delivered please return the plastic bins to the Pantry closet.



Backpack Buddies Food Needs

Fruit Cups- Mixed & All Fruit Varieties

Pudding Cups (shelf stable) – Vanilla & Chocolate

Fruit Bars- All Flavors

Granola Bars or Power Energy Bars

Cheese or Peanut Butter & Crackers

Instant Oatmeal – Packets

Whole Grain Cereals- Wholesome

Applesauce or Fruit – Squeeze Tubes or Cups

Tuna Cans or Lunch Kits with Crackers

Simple Kid Soups- Flip Top Cans

Pasta Cups- Individual Size

Chunky Soups- Flip Top

Chef Boyardee D Meals – Flip-Top Can

Hormel Compleat Dinners- All Varieties

Beef Stew – Flip Top Cans

Pasta Dinners- Individual boxes

100% Juice Boxes

Shelf Boxed Vanilla Milk

Large cans Chicken

Regular or small, plastic jars or cans of pasta sauce

1 lb boxes of spaghetti

Please remember that all items placed in these bags must be shelf stable and pre-packaged. No fresh fruit or veggies.