Daily Bread Ministries – Homeless Shelter
The Daily Bread Ministry provides meals to the homeless shelter on weekends.
Volunteers prepare and deliver Meal Bags of a lite breakfast, a full lunch and a water bottle every week, all year. Great opportunity for service hours.
We also invite parishioners to donate food items.
Please place all donations in the Daily Bread Donation Box inside the Side Entrance of St. Theresa Church, – nearest to Mary’s Statue- in the front of the church. (Aka-Mary’s Entrance). Scheduled Volunteers will place Food in Pantry Closet as needed.
Daily Bread Ministry Weekly & Monthly Donors
Weekly & monthly food donators if you would like, we offer you a donation letter for your taxes for your regular donation.
Please keep your receipts for the items. We are always in need of regular weekly or monthly donators of specific food items.
Email us and we can give you some ideas of needed items to be a listed donator.
All current Weekly and Monthly donators please email us with any change in your commitment.
Daily Bread Ministry is open to all who would like to participate.
God Bless all of you and Thank You again,
Daily Bread Ministry – Meal Bag Instructions
Preparers: every week 2 persons or families are preparing 30 Meal Bags each. Plus Each donate 3 large Loaves of White/ Hearty Bread for sandwiches.
Deliverers: 2 persons every week distribute 60 Meal Bags with 60 Water Bottles for delivery. Deliverers donate the 60 water bottles.
-Take Home from DBM Pantry Closet- (Located inside Side Entrance of Church near Mary’s Statue)
1Large Jar Grape Jelly/Jam
2 Large Peanut Butter Jars
30 Fruit Cups
30 Pudding Cups or Applesauce
30 Fruit Bars or Granola Bars
30 Cheese & Crackers
**Please use available DBM Bins or Bags to carry items home. Park your car Briefly to load your car at side entrance of church. Return Meal Bags Bins & Bags or (cardboard boxes) that you may supply back to the the side entrance by 7pm Friday evening. Just leave Filled Bins & Bags near DBM Pantry Closet. Please call Deliverer’s phone number provided you, for any different time arrangements with your DBM Deliverer.
Empty 1 Silver Hanging Basket of pre-counted supplies: 30 of each napkins, spoons, baggies, lunch bags & 2 pairs of plastic gloves.
*extra plastic gloves available on shelf if needed.
Sandwich Prep: Place Peanut Butter on each slice
of bread and Jelly on 1 side on top of PB, cut sandwich in 1/2. Slide sandwich into baggie.
Fill the Meal Bag: 1Fruit Cup, 1 Pudding Cup or Applesauce Cup, 1 Fruit Bar or Granola Bar,
1 sandwich, 1spoon rolled into 1napkin, then place the PB& J sandwich into the paper bag. Fold over top of bag 2x aprox. 1/2 inch for neatness.
Friday –Pick up 60 Meal Bags @ DBM Pantry Closet @ 7:30pm.
Saturday — 7:20am – 8am Distribute Meal Bags & your 60 donated Water Btls. From Parking Lot next to 7-11 Store Parking lot on Plaza Street,
Just Lift up your Car Trunk Door and hold up a bag and water btl. Day Workers will nicely walk up to you.
**Greet each person with Morning Greetings as you pass out the meal bags & water btls..This is a warm, pleasant activity for groups & families.
Drive remaining Meal Bags & Water to the Loudoun County Homeless Shelter 19520 Meadowview Ct. Leesburg. Carry items into the
kitchen area to leave on the counter. A staff member will assist you.
RETURN all DBM bins & bags to DBM pantry closet. Dispose of any Cardboard boxes used.
If you have any Questions or Concerns please call
Bernadette Miller 703-726-9163 or bernadettefmiller@yahoo.com