Food Drives
Please help support our food drives for Catholic Charities to help those who are food insecure. The Knight’s of Columbus run the food drive the last weekend of each month.
Food typically needed:
• Canned Veggies
• Canned and dried beans.
• Snacks (individually wrapped preferred)
• Boxed pasta and spaghetti
• Hearty soups (Progresso, Chunky, etc.), and Ramen
• Canned meals (chili, beef stew, Chef Boy R Dee, etc.)
• Canned fish and meats (tuna, chicken, etc.)
Mac & Cheese
• Rice (smaller 1 – 2 lb bags)
• Tomato products – canned or plastic jars (sauce, diced, etc.)
• Canned fruit
• Cereal
• Oatmeal (box or 1lb canister), Pancake mix and syrup
• 2 Jelly to 1 peanut butter
• Oil, flour, sugar
Giant, Food Lion, Costco gift cards
Your donations help support the Food Pantry at the Leesburg office. They serve an average of 180 families each month. Each family receives and average of 54lbs of food. Please help us to keep their shelves full!
Coordinator: Torsten Koehler
phone: 571-283-3254